If you grew up in Texas -- or anywhere in the South, for that matter -- you know how we love to fry up everything from chicken and steaks to vegetables and Twinkies. Not all of that fried food is particularly healthy, though.
Fortunately, the tempura style of frying food featuring rice flour and cold club soda (or even Topo Chico), gives us a little healthier alternative to the Southern Deep Fried way of doing things, and, since today is National Tempura Day, we figured we'd share a recipe that's sure to become a favorite way of cooking up your favorite veggies out of the garden when summer rolls around.
In today's video, Chef Cody will show you how to make a tempura batter and sauce from scratch and fry up some zucchini or squash.
Here's the exact recipe and directions, so grab your ingredients and follow along with the Chef. We know you're going to love this!
How to Make Tempura Veggies
Tempura Batter
1 Yellow Squash
1 Zucchini
1 1/4 Cups Rice Flour
1 1/2 Cups Club Soda
1 Egg Yolk
16 oz Safflower Oil
1/2 Tsp Kosher Salt
In large-size bowl whisk together egg yolk, kosher salt, and cold club soda.Gently fold in rice flour.
Pour oil into high-sided skillet. Ideally, you want your oil to be about 1.5 inches deep in your skillet.
Dip vegetables in batter and fry in batches for 1 to 5 minutes until tender and crisp.
NOTE: The cooking time will depend on the size and thickness of your veggies. Thinner vegetables will cook MUCH more quickly, so keep an eye on them.
Remove from oil and drain on paper towels. Sprinkle with salt and enjoy!
Tempura Sauce
3 Tbsp Soy Sauce
2 Tbsp Lemon Juice
3 Tbsp Dry Sherry
1 Tbsp Sugar
Combine ingredients in a mixing bowl and whisk until sugar is completely dissolve.
Pour into dipping bowl and enjoy!
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